Self Portrait - ceramic

1999: Texas A&M University - Commerce: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Major: “Art - Experimental Studies” with an emphasis in ceramics

As an “Experimental Studies” major, David was able to immerse himself in many disciplines of art such as ceramics, drawing, painting, color theory, typography, mixed media sculpture, metal sculpture, art history, conceptual art, etc.

Over three decades, David has developed a diverse skill set which has enabled him to create anything from realistic graphite drawings, to fully functional dinnerware sets, to any theatrical prop or set piece you can imagine, to fully functional daredevil circus equipment, and many things in between.

In addition, David spent 12 years touring as a professional acrobat and circus daredevil performing several thousand live shows throughout the world. In that business, he was not just a performer but was also responsible for equipment design, fabrication, set up, transportation, theatrical rigging, aerial rigging and most importantly safety.

So, if you are in the market for props and or set pieces that require ingenuity, creativity and versatility, - all with the primary focus being safety first, - then David is someone worth consulting.

From concept to design and from design to complete creation and fabrication; - David provides a one stop shop where he strives to create custom hand crafted works of art based on your ideas and concepts.